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Home of FW Eagles
Class of 1963


The 60th Reunion for the Eagles of 1963 was a unique and special weekend  over this past August 11-13th, back in 2023.  With the attending 36 class members, as wells as spouses, friends and several adult children all have affirmed it was absolutely worth while.  Congratulations to the entire Reunion Team that made this possible, along with so many others who jumped in to help!  Yes, the Eagle 63 Reunion of 60 years, may be our last.  But, there is always individual gatherings where we can gather and catch up!  Check in with some other Eagles of 1963!   

The Eagle 63 Class 60th Reunion Team has gathered pictures and we have included then on this site.  As Eagles of 63, it is still important to reach out to other classmates and "stay in touch"!  This website (smart phone capable) will be updated to include pictures and additional thoughts.  So, stay connected here as well.  

But wait!    We might try to meet in Federal Way in the Summer of 2025 to simply check in!   And again, "Hats Off" to the entire Reunion Team:  Pam, Jim, Pat, Sharon, Linda, Jack, Claudia, Baker, Darlene, Christopher and more! 

Email Pam at:
or Christopher at:
with questions about or additional "hot scoop" for our Classmates!


FW High

The FWHS new campius is entering it's 6th year of use, 

Always Good for  Eagles to stay in touch.  Did you know eagles gather at the Village In at 10:00am for brunch and Eagle Chatter on the 1st Thursday of each month? 

© 2023 by Federal Way Eagles Class of 63.  Share it Among the Eagles!

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